When raising kids in elementary school, junior high, and high school, a lot of parents wonder if they’re preparing their kids for what lies ahead in college and adulthood. We can’t look in to a crystal ball and predict the future, but we can bring insights from our own failures and successes to the way we parent.
That’s why in this episode, Joe and I continue our conversation about his experience going through school, including:
✅How he initially failed out of college, but then later went back and got a master’s degree from the same university.
✅What he wishes he would have learned after being evaluated for ADHD, and how we bring these insights into the way we parent.
✅How he learned to be more disciplined and structure his environment so you he can perform his best and focus (without using medication).
You can listen to the entire episode here:
(Disclaimer: This episode should not be considered medical or legal advice, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any specific medical condition).
If you’re a parent who wants to set your kids up for success as adults, then then you’re going to love this free parent guide, which I mentioned in this episode. In this guide, I share the set of skills that kids need in order to stay organized, focused, and motivated during their day-to-day tasks like chores and homework.
If you’ve ever felt like a broken record because you’re nagging your kids to pick up their things, get dressed and ready to go on time, or get their assignments turned in, or if you have a child who has a low tolerance for frustration and you worry they aren’t learning the skills they need to be resilient and adaptable; then you’ll get a ton of insight when reading this guide.
In the guide, I share the essential set of skills kids need to stay emotionally regulated and attentive, and apply critical thinking skills so they can stick with challenging tasks independently, without nagging, bribes, or constant hand-holding. When you sign up for the guide, you’ll also be added to my mailing list so you’ll be the first to know when podcast episodes air and when doors to my parent training program are open. Just click here to sign up for the free parent guide.