People working in the schools are often expected to make everything a priority all the time, without consideration of how they might be able to manage the backlog of projects. They have to say “No” to people who need help in the interest of saying “Yes” to others. They have to see the faces of…
Author: kldudek1980
EP 141: No, kids do not learn to read and write naturally (with Melanie Brethour)
Skeptics of the Science of Reading claim that the current push for evidence-based reading instruction is just another pendulum swing. Yet if you look at the research, we haven’t so much been “swinging” as much as we’ve been building, evolving, and expanding on what we know about how we learn to read. Even though the…
EP 140: Creating an intentional career and life with alter egos (with Meg Niman)
Many leadership initiatives in education need to come from the top… But change can happen when direct service providers emerge as leaders on their teams without waiting for permission from someone else. School administrators and other people making decisions at the district and policy level are constantly pulled in different directions. The further up the…
EP 139: Cell phones, 1:1 device initiatives, and homework policies in K-12 education (with Dr. John Burkey)
Learners in K-12 settings have changed over the past 25 years, and what were considered best practices in the 1990s may no longer work for learners in the 2020s. Much of this is due to technology, the invention of the Iphone, and the skills young adults need when entering the workforce. There’s a large amount…
EP 138: Increasing access to instructional programs in rural districts (with Chris Dodge)
If you’re providing therapy or tutoring services, contracting with schools, or offering professional development to K-12 professionals, you won’t want to miss this episode. As someone who has explored the possibility of school contracts, I’m always looking to learn more about how school leaders make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. I grew up in the…
EP 137: Why aren’t my students generalizing? (social skills groups, organizing tools)
Social skills groups have been widely criticized recently. They’re often labeled as ableist and NOT neurodiversity-affirming. I ALSO take issue with the way social skills interventions are often delivered, but for a different reason. When social skills intervention is done, it’s often delivered via 1:1 therapy, in a “pull-out” model; where the child receives intervention…
BONUS: Accessible career exploration in K-12 education (with Matthew Chaussee)
Most of us still don’t know what we want to be when we grow up, but at least we know more than we did when we wanted to be pro athletes or “movie stars” (the old people version of influencers). As we have conversations with kids and think about how to prepare them for adulthood,…
EP 136: Time blindness, anxiety, and behavior management
When kids have a poor sense of time, the common response is to give them a planner or some kind of a timer. While these tools may be a part of your strategy, they don’t address time-blindness. That’s why in episode 136 of De Facto Leaders, I’m answering the question: “Why don’t timers improve my…
EP 135: How to read the room, speak with confidence, and sell your ideas (with Roberta Ndlela)
If you want to learn how to present information to school boards, administration, or other leadership or land more speaking engagements, you won’t want to miss this episode! Reading the room is an essential life skill, whether we’re talking about a child navigating recess, or an adult trying to navigate the workplace. For kids, this…
EP 134: How to help teens get comfortable with discomfort and pursue meaningful work (with Joey Mascio)
Teen’s brains are wired to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and conserve energy. On top of that their prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed yet, which means they don’t always make decisions that are in their best interest. They’re learning so much about how to navigate relationships and manage their day-to-day lives. Things like: 👉Handling setbacks, like…