What’s evidence-based and neurodiversity-affirming shouldn’t be in opposition. Effective interventions that build resilience and help kids build healthy relationships should be “affirming” by definition. Yet many clinicians remain confused about how to apply this to practice; especially when it comes to things like “social skills” or “pragmatic language”. One of the most common complaints I…
Category: Building communication skills
EP 69: What’s really causing “topic maintenance” issues?
Topic maintenance is a skill I’ve seen on many language therapy IEPs in the category of “pragmatic language”, but often it’s a surface-level symptom of something else. When we’re talking about “topic maintenance” we’re often referring to someone’s ability to stay on a topic during a conversational exchange. Yet when we focus only on what…
EP 051: Scaffolding: What it is and how to use it to help kids be more resilient (with Brittany Bohach)
We don’t want to be “helicopter parents” who coddle our kids…but we don’t want to be so militant that we traumatize them either. When it comes getting kids to do essential, but non-preferred tasks that ultimately help them thrive in the long run…the key to finding the right balance is learning how to scaffold. The…
EP 050: Interpreting “challenging behaviors” and meltdowns (with Brittany Bohach)
When kids show negative behaviors, it’s often because they’re struggling to do what they’re being asked to do. This unfortunately happens a lot in school settings. You may have heard the saying “Kindergarten is the new 1st grade”. Kindergarten used to be focused on play, and its becoming increasingly more academic. When “behavior problems” come…
EP 046: How to support language processing and comprehension in school-age kids (part 2)
In this episode, I continue the discussion about language processing and how to support it. I continue the discussion of difficult sentence types, and dive in to one very challenging syntax skill that tends to cause processing problems. Working on this skill can not only improve language comprehension, but it can also help kids more…
EP 045: How to support language processing and comprehension in school-age kids (part 1)
Language skills are essential to a child’s ability to succeed in school and life. But when processing language is a struggle there can be a global impact across a child’s entire day. Language comprehension issues can be such as challenge for therapists, parents and teachers because they’re difficult to spot. Often they look like a…
EP 030: Supporting executive functioning at home and school
If you’re supporting kids who need help with executive functioning, academic skills, and language, it can be hard to figure out exactly how to intervene. For parents, it can be overwhelming; and for professionals (like SLPs, teachers, and other professionals), it can be a challenge to figure out who is working on what skills. That’s…
EP 022: How to set boundaries and share positive feedback with your child (with DJ Stutz)
Most parents know they should be giving their child praise and encouraging them to explore their interests… But most people don’t realize that making small changes to what you say can make a big difference in your day-to-day life and interactions with your family. That’s why in episode 022, I sit down with early childhood…
EP 021: 3 ways to show appreciation for your child’s school
One of the best ways to take care of your kids is to take care of the people taking care of our kids. That includes any professionals working with your child, like teachers, school therapists, administrators, and coaches to name a few. If you know anyone in any of those positions, you know it can be a…
EP 020: How to communicate effectively with your child’s teachers and therapists
It can be frustrating when you aren’t sure how to best support your child; especially when it comes to schoolwork. If you have a child who gets some type of specialized services and therapies, that makes it even more complicated. The good news is that strong communication with the professionals helping your child can make…