In this episode of Are they 18 yet?™, I talk with my friend and former colleague, Joann Briggs.
Joann was a special education teacher in the public school systems for over 30 years, and I had the opportunity to work with her for a good portion of my time as a school speech pathologist.
While I always harp on the fact that SLPs can make a huge impact on literacy and language, it really is a team effort. That’s why I wanted to sit down with Joann and share how we were able to work together to serve our elementary caseload in the school systems.
If you’re an SLP or a teacher who wants to know how to collaborate to build vocabulary skills, this is a must listen.
It’ll also be helpful if you’re a parent and you want to get a better understanding of what happens as your child’s school.
In this conversation, Joann shares:
✅How to co-teach effectively with general education teachers to serve a special education caseload.
✅Her experience going through a lengthy due process hearing with a student on her caseload.
✅How SLPs can add value in the teaming process when it comes to language and literacy.
✅How to get parents involved in the IEP process to so they feel like valued team members.
You can listen to the entire episode here:
In this episode, I mention my Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure.
In order to build strong language comprehension needed for reading, writing, and other important life skills, kids need to have a solid understanding of sentence structure.
In this guide, I outline common challenging sentence types, how to write goals to target them, and some evidence-based strategies for working on them.